Megalesia 2020 | Équinoxe | Poèmes, textes & chansons/Equinox | Poems, texts & songs
Mother does my horoscope in the morning
there is some pressure
on your emotions today, Cancer,
which might leave you feeling
like a pot of boiling water, there is a lid
on things and highly likely indeed
are you to heat up faster
in these circumstances even
than normal so do, please,
try to hold your temper, o Cancer, rage
will get you nowhere, take care instead
of your investments on this day, great
care of your long-term security, Cancer, however
counter-natural for you, the day is good
for getting your material affairs, however counter-
natural, in order, please, Cancer, I think
only of your well-being, MAJOR
change is at hand and most nights
I hardly sleep
Poème traduit de l'anglais en néerlandais/Poem vertaald van Engels naar Nederlands/Poem translated from english to dutch
Pour citer ce poème/To quote this poem
Sofie Verraest, « mother does my horoscope in the morning », Le Pan poétique des muses|Revue féministe, internationale & multilingue de poésie entre théories & pratiques : Megalesia 2020|IV-ÉQUINOXE sous la direction de Barbara Polla, mis en ligne le 1er avril 2020. Url :
Mise en page par David Simon
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