Megalesia 2020 | Équinoxe | Poèmes, textes & chansons/ Equinox | Poems, texts & songs
We are human
Thank you
For displaying such inspired resolutions,
To celebrating la poésia, and what, in fact,
Even in times of crisis,
Defines, humanity
I am a caretaker, such is my profession,
And for us, healthcare professionals, a leap is being asked, at this time.
To me, the presence, and proximity, of words, of art,
Is all, the goal to be aspired
The belief, la reconnaissance, and the recognition,
That in art,
we are human.
Thank you once more, Barbara, for the beautiful open letter, that was shared with you, and that you, in turn, and in grace, shared, with all of us.
It resonates deep, with me.
I remain, therefore, grateful to participate, in whatever resolution, favors the absence, of nightly encounter.
And I wish you all, a soft night.
Pour citer ce poème/To quote this poem
Jeroen Cantryn, « We are human », Le Pan poétique des muses|Revue féministe, internationale & multilingue de poésie entre théories & pratiques : Megalesia 2020|IV-ÉQUINOXE sous la direction de Barbara Polla, mis en ligne le 5 avril 2020. Url :
Mise en page par David Simon
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