Tri ciklusa. [umski duh (pravi mu{karac je upravo kao {umski duh. Privla~an, zavodljiv, opojan, gibak,pokretan, izdr`ljiv, prodire u najskrivenije kutke srcai du{e, ali isto tako je divlje prirode, neukrotiv,nestalan, nepokoran, Vilin konji} (to asocira naljubav. I ona, poput vilinog konji}a nekad prekratko traje, ali za to kratko vreme je u stanju da ostavi tragove za vekove. Svakoga dana ljubav se ra|a i umire i stalno su nam potrebni dokazi da smo voljeni, ma`eni, pa`eni... i ljubav je ne`na i krhka ba{ poput konji}a.) i tre}i ciklus je provokativnog karaktera, otvorenog seksa, zavo|enja, perverzije, bezobraznih re~i, dijaloga. Boljeg naslova za tako ne{to nema od ON-ONA.
Imaju slike (ne{to nalik {umskom duhu, vilin konjicu i tre}i ne{to iz odnosa ON-ONA, erotska poza.
Forest spirit (the real man is exactly like the forest spirit. Attractive, seductive, intoxicating, lithesome, motile, persistent, penetrates into the most hidden corners of the heart and soul, but he is also of the wild nature, untamed, volatile, rebellious, etc.), Dragonfly (that is associated with love. Love sometimes, just like a dragonfly, lives too short but leaves traces that could last for centuries.
Every day, new love is born and dies, and we constantly seek for evidences that we are loved and cared for ... and love is tender and fragile just like a dragonfly.) and the third cycle is of provocative character, detailed sex, seduction, perversion, dirty words and dialogues, etc. There is no better title for that than HE – SHE.
There are illustrations (something resembling a forest spirit, a dragonfly and the third one depicting relations HE – SHE, erotic pose
"Why are you smiling, my love ?" – he asks
for a kiss. “Did you thank?”
Yes, I did, from the bottom of my heart”
"Did you see anything, save for the secret soul ? And what do you see now ?"
"I see us among stars" – and he smiles.
And I was illuminated by a beam of sweet love.
Burnt by the fire of sweet kisses.
In the spring’s dream, lasting loyally.
Tatjana Debeljački
Publisher : Poeta, Belgrade
Petar V. Arbutina
Writer, literary critic
Sabahudin Hadžialić
Writer, literary critic
Veselin Dželetović
Publisher and critic
Editor : Čedomir Cicović
Illustrations : Gordan Ćosić
See also, url :