Bémol musical
Inspiration et improvisation
sur le poème calligramme "Je partirai"
Site officiel : http://www.nicolecoppey.com/
© Tous droits réservés
Création musicale et visuelle mise en perspective par Nicole Coppey, artiste, poétesse, pédagogue et fondatrice de l’École pédagogique d'Art musical "Un, Deux, Trois, Musiques..." sur le poème calligramme "Je partirai" avec la participation de jeunes artistes issus de l'école.
he school "Un, Deux, Trois, Musiques..."
founded by Nicole Coppey is celebrating its
20th Anniversary
At this event
presentation of the documentary
The Pedagogical School of Musical Art
"Un, Deux, Tois, Musiques..."
20 Years of Philosophy
and of Transmission
Friday 17 March at 7 pm
Saturday 18 March at 5.30 pm
Sunday 19 March at 2.15 pm
Salle multimédia de l'école ECCG-EPP
Petit-Chasseur – Sion
Jubilee opening 18 February
in accordance with the musical hours of the school
In light of the 20th anniversary of the Pedagogical
School of Musical Art "Un, Deux, Trois Musiques...", it is
a priority to make known why Nicole Coppey,
educationalist artist poet of a refined and
charismatic sensitivity, founded the school.
A documentary was produced in order to bring
to light the philosophy and pedagogy of the School
... to grasp the essence.
Indeed, the Pedagogical School of Musical Art
"Un, Deux, Trois Musiques..." extols the supreme
dimension of Music, deep and uplifting, as it
plays a clear role in the global development of the
personality, bringing about the growth of a structured
human Being, self-assured and creative.
Music is experienced and is an integral part of happiness
Its virtues guide a Person to the notions of listening, of
respect, of beauty.
Music and the Person are "vibration".
Listening to the interior voice and silence are Musiques..
3, 2, 1...Welcome to the showing of the film on the
17, 18, and 19 March !
Site de référence : www.nicolecoppey.com
Le Pan poétique des muses souhaite un joyeux anniversaire et une longue vie à l'École pédagogique d'Art musical "Un, Deux, Trois, Musiques..."
Nicole Coppey, « Inspiration et improvisation sur le poème calligramme "Je partirai" », Le Pan poétique des muses|Revue féministe, internationale & multilingue de poésie entre théories & pratiques : Lettre n°9 [En ligne], mis en ligne le 11 février 2017. Url : http://www.pandesmuses.fr/inspiration.html |